Saturday 20 September 2014

Bosnia .......a magical nature

Like a phoenix in Greek mythology old, who comes out of the wreckage strong starting point toward the sky, the case of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Muslim emerged from bitter wars and tragedies suffered by the beautiful Bahia iddah themselves much, as a European wonderful natural environment, strewn rivers flowing, abound by pristine lakes, and adorned with white snowy mountain peaks, lush forests .. and adequate standard of living and safe compared to the rest of other parts of Europe. 

Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country located in the Balkans in southeast Europe, one of the republics of the former Yugoslavia, located in the south of Europe, bordered to the north, west and south of Croatia, from the east of Serbia and south-west of the Republic of Montenegro, which is almost a state unlocked does not coast on her sea except coastline length of 26 km on the Adriatic Sea is located in the middle of the coastal town of Neum. 

Located mountains in the center and south, and the hills in the north-west while the north west of the country they are flat, and is considered Bosnia a geographic regions huge its continental climate mild, where the hot summers and cold with snow Winter province is located Herzegovina Minor to the south of the republic, a nature geography and Mediterranean climate. 

Was once part of the former consortium made ​​up of six provinces of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, during the Yugoslav war in the nineties of the last century, Bosnia and Herzegovina gained its independence. 

And described its existence as a democratic federal republic where moved its economy to the free market system, which is a potential candidate to enter the membership of the European Union and NATO, as well as a member of the Council of Europe since April 24, 2002 and is a founding member of the Mediterranean Union on incorporation in the July 13, 2008. 

By virtue of its geographical location to its existence in the center of the republic, it was for Bosnia strategic importance as a base for the manufacture of military technology, what contributed to exist large weapons and military forces in Bosnia; which is a key factor for the Bosnian war that followed the breakup of the Yugoslav federation in the nineties of the last century. 

1990 elections led to the formation of a parliamentary board is dominated by the three parties on the basis of ethnicity, have formed a loose coalition to expel the communists from power. Then announced that all of Croatia and Slovenia followed independence war that ensued placed Bosnia and Herzegovina and its three constituent peoples in an awkward position. 

There was a major split soon evolved and put the issue of whether to stay within the Yugoslav federation (and overwhelmingly supported by the Serbs) or request for independence (and supported by the Bosniaks and Croats overwhelmingly). Members of the Serbian parliament, and especially of the Serbian Democratic Party, 

Left the central parliament in Sarajevo, and formed a parliament they called the National Council of the Bosnian Serbs and Herzegovina and in the October 24, 1991, which ended the cooperation of ethnic trio who ruled the country in the wake of the 1990 elections, and this Council established the Serb Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina on January 9, 1992, then changed the name to the Serb Republic in August 1992. 

On November 18, 1991 was a branch of Bosnia and Herzegovina of the ruling party in Croatia named the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) announced the establishment of the so-called community Croat of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a separate politically, culturally and economically the whole territory from the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina has an army of its own so-called Council of the Croatian Defence. 

Unless it is recognized by the Bosnian government. The Constitutional Court declared that the Bosnian twice those of the Republic illegally, the first totally dated September 14, 1992 and the second in January 20, 1994. 

Was declared the sovereignty of Bosnia and Herzegovina in October 1991, and then followed by a referendum on independence from Yugoslavia in February and March 1992 were boycotted by the vast majority of Serbs. 
the turnout in the referendum on independence, 63.4% voted in favor of independence, 99.7% of voters were declaration of independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina shortly thereafter.
The escalation of tension and unity and the sporadic military incidents, open warfare broke out in Sarajevo on 6 April 
In early March 1991, held secret talks between Franjo Tudjman and Slobodan Milosevic to divide Bosnia between Serbs, Croats and known as the agreement Karadordifo. 
Shortly after the declaration of independence of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Serbs attacked several areas of Bosnia, thus affecting the state administration in the republic that is strong where work stopped after he lost control of the territory.

The Serbs were trying to occupy the Serb-majority areas east and west of Bosnia, while the Croats, led by Tudjman sought to secure the so-called parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatian zones. 
Croatia's policies towards Bosnia and Herzegovina were not clear and transparent, has sought to apply the Tudjman goal of expanding the borders of Croatia at the expense of Bosnia. And left the Bosniak Muslims an easy target, they are the only ethnic group loyal to the Bosnian government, because the Bosnian government forces were poorly equipped and is steeled for the war. 

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